ROCKLAND DEANERY SENIOR RETREAT sponsored by the Rockland County Parishes will be held at St. Paul’s Parish, 82 Lake Road West, Congers on Wednesday, May 13 from 9:45am - 3:00pm.
Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2015 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 20th or Sunday, June 21st at 2:00pm. Pre-registration is required.
Father Emmanuel Ifeanyi Anyansi will be helping at St. Ann by permission of his Bishop Valerian Okeke of the Archdiocese of Omitsha in Nigeria. Father is here in the United States on a missionary visa and will be exploring the possibility of working for awhile in the Archdiocese of New York. Father Emmanuel was ordained on July 16, 2005. His mother Carolyn is back home in Nigeria as are his six sisters and two brothers. He has helped periodically in parishes in Atlanta, California, West Virginia and Texas over the last several years.
Each Friday during lent Morning Prayer follows 8:00am Mass in the Chapel. STATIONS of the CROSS will be held on FRIDAYS at 11:30am and 7:30pm in the Church. The 12:10pm Mass on Fridays will be in the Church. All other Daily Masses will be in the Chapel.
The 300 Club will start in 2 weeks, and we have a few openings for new members. Club rules: $26 for 26 weeks, 300 tickets, two weekly prizes of $50 & $25, and grand prizes of $1,000 & $500. Don’t miss out...JOIN TODAY! Call Christine at the rectory, 845-358-4707, to join!
Children's Choir rehearsal will be held the two Tuesdays prior to the Family Mass from 5 pm - 6 pm in the school. Warm up rehearsal will be at 5 pm before Mass in the Chapel behind the church. Click the title for more dates and information.
Get important updates from the parish in a timely and convenient way. This new tool we’re using lets you choose what info you’d like to receive - via email or text message - from the various ministries and groups in the parish. You can unsubscribe at any time
The Capital Campaign Committee along with the Finance Committee are pleased to report that our Capital Campaign continues to develop successfully with over $710,000.00 pledged. We can also report that the work on the Church building should commence this week! Click the title for more information.