Msgr. Richard Kyeremeh and Msgr. John Nkrumah, from Ghana, have spent many years in the past in our parish. They became cherished friends to many. It became known that their schools, especially in the outstations, are lacking significant resources. The original plan was for the book drive was to fill 2-4 barrels with books and school supplies to aid one of Msgr. Richard’s outstations, All Saints School in Nanketewa. Word spread through St. Paul School, to CCD, to the Youth Group and finally to the parish. The generosity of the parish was greatly underestimated as twelve barrels ended up being shipped to four different schools.
In the video above, Msgr. Richard and the students of Madonna Prep/JHS of St. Teresa of Avila Church express their delight at receiving their barrels. Additional photos of students in other schools have been shared in the bulletins. The original flyer may be seen here.
April 6, 2018 Our First Annual Gala was an incredible success! The music, the food, and the entertainment were wonderful. The tricky Tray and raffles added a fun bit of excitement to the evening. Sharing fellowship in our great Parish of St. Paul and St. Ann is so important and the Gala was a terrific way to socialize, get together and have fun! The Gala was held at Town & Country in Congers.
Thank you to all our sponsors and all those who volunteered their time in this outpouring of support and generosity. For more photos click here. (Photo by George Presotto)