June 18 -- Seven couples of St. Paul and St. Ann's Parish celebrating their 50th wedding anniverary this year were honored at Sunday mass at St. Paul's on Father's Day, with a reception following at the Parish Center. More photos can be found here.
June 4 -- Seniors who graduated from our area high schools this year were honored at a Baccalaureate Mass on June 4 at St. Ann's Church. Following the mass, the graduates and their family and friends gathered for a reception in the school cafeteria. More photos here.
May 21 -- Nineteen students from the parish Religious Education Program at St. Ann's were confirmed by Bishop Dominick J. Lagonegro at the 8:45 mass. For more photos of the confirmandi and their families click here.
May 7 -- Forty-nine children in the parish Religious Education Program at St. Paul's received their First Holy Communion at the 10 and 12 o'clock masses. And 13 more children from St. Paul School First Communion class received the sacrament on April 29. For more photos, click here.
April 30 -- It was "standing room only" at the 11:30 mass at St. Ann's Church Sunday as 31 children of the parish received their First Holy Communion. The mass was celebrated by Pastor Fr. Vladimir Chripko, assisted by Deacon Luke Conroy and Deacon Jerry Fenton, who was the homilist. This was only one of four First Communion masses that will be taking place at St. Paul and St. Ann's during the Easter Season. (And yes, those empty seats ont the right were filled too, just temporarily vacant). Photo by Michael's Studio. For more photos of the First Communicants and their families click here.
April 8 -- The first work day of the 2017 season of the St. Paul and St. Ann Garden of Faith was held on Saturday, April 8, at the Marydell Faith and Life Center in Upper Nyack. Volunteers turned the soil in the beds, laid the irrigation hoses, and cleaned up winter debris.
Over the past years, the Garden of Faith has raised over 12,000 pounds of fresh produce for the needy of our community.
If you would like to help, the next work day is Saturday, April 29, from 10 am to noon. No experience necessary. It takes a bushel of volunteers to nuture the plants from seed to harvest!
March 31 -- On Friday, March 31, members of the St. Paul and St. Ann's Youth Group presented their own version of the ancient prayer, the Way of the Cross, at St. Paul's Church. The remembrance of the events of the last few hours of Jesus' life included reflections of what Jesus might have been thinking at each station and the response of a teenager who was trying to listen prayerfully to God's voice as each event unfolded. Each station in this reverent, moving version concluded with vocalists singing excerpts from contemporary music.
More photos are here. Double-click on a photo to enlarge it and then scroll through the slide show.
March 26 -- Here's the team behind the wonderful St. Patrick-St. Joseph's parish party at St. Ann's on March 12. The "St. Patrick's Day" atmosphere of traditional Irish music, the wearin' o' the green, and shamrock decorations all around the cafeteria was topped off by the tremendous buffet of corned beef and cabbage, baked ziti and meatballs, and great desserts!
Photos of parishioners enjoying the party may be found here. Double-click on a photo to enlarge it, and then scroll through the slide show.
March 13 -- The tradition of receiving ashes, traced on the forehead in the shape of a cross, brought hundreds to the nine masses that were celebrated at St. Ann's and St. Paul's churches on Ash Wednesday. And on all Fridays of Lent, the Stations of the Cross, a devotion in which participants meditate on the sufferings and death of Christ at Calvary, are said at 11:30 am and 7:30 pm at St. Ann's and 7:30 pm at St. Paul's.
More photos here.